Sunday, November 16, 2014

Post Vipassana (June 19 to June 30, 2013)

This is the journal entry I wrote after my experience with meditating silently for 100 hours, without speaking, looking, touching, or interacting with others for 10 days:

On Friday, July 12, 2013

I'm back home from completing and experiencing a 10-day Vipassana Meditation course.  So, I learned about myself, lots about myself.  How to achieve mental silence.  The noble silence really helped.  I learned that I am the master of my own mind.

The anapana, vipassana, and loving-kindness meditations were all helpful.  At the beginning, I wanted to quit, but I stayed, and endured through it.  Once the 4th or 5th day rolled by, adhitthana sittings [Sitting of Strong Determination: where you are asked to be completely still, without moving for the entire hour of meditation] went into effect.  I was able to sit through 15 sits [15 hours and many more] of those.  I learned now to strengthen the mind.

Everything is temporary!  Craving and aversion bring misery and make people miserable.  No pranayama... let the breath be as it is - as it is.  This too will change... temporary.

Wanting ->  Cravings -> Misery

Wanting to Rid -> Aversions -> Misery

Let it be as it is... at this moment.

Everything passes... Fades...

Free Flow: Sometimes fast, sometimes slow.

Those that have have regular meditation practices require less sleep and are more efficient.

Ego dissolves because we became monks and nuns for 10-days.  The vegan and vegetarian food helped.  The body really only needs two meals and a snack a day.

Impermanace: I finally have a better understanding of this, beyond the intellectual (through personal experience).

When you reach day 5 or 6 you have a strong mind, only the weak leave by then.

I'm able to be more present.  To let stuff come up.  Maintain a regular meditation practice.  I'm more open, more honest, and more trusting.  I have the ability to be honest in a heart felt way. 


Equanimity -> Balanced

Calm/Focus -> Start from here.

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