Sunday, November 16, 2014

Post Vipassana Notes at Hilo, Big Island Airport June 30, 2013

These are the notes I wrote on my phone after I immediately completed my first 10-day Vipassana Meditation course on Pahoa, Big Island from June 19, 2014 to June 30, 2014 @ 12:11pm:

  • Equanimity
  • Craving/abortion
  • This to will change
  • Impermanence/Temporary
  • Have optimism
  • May all being be happy
  • Surrender
  • Lived life as monk
  • Gypsy camp

  • Anapana, Vipassana, loving kindness
  • 1 hour in morning and at night
  • 5 minutes before bed and at waking
  • Strong determination sittings to strengthen and purify mind
  • Went to root level/root of problem

  • Everything comes and goes 
  • Inner freedom
  • Fight is with self/battle is with self
  • Noble silence to gain mental silence
  • Memories came up
  • Fears came
  • Old habit patterns

  • Change response by it responding
  • Let it come up

  • Observe the sensations
  • When making choices observe

  • Changed relationship with pain/feelings
  • Stronger

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